• Powerful group Universal Sphere® session
  • 5 channeled teachings from Ishtara





Instant access to a group Universal Sphere recording so you can immediately receive Solution Energy to any area of your life.


Additional Ishtara channeled teachings to help you in your embodiment of your higher potential.

What You Get:

Powerful Live Group Universal Sphere® ( June Multiple Spheres are done)

Prior to the live group Universal Sphere® you will receive guidance in your preparation and how to embody the most from this group session.
Each session supports you in aligning to Solutions for life's challenging situations. Often, your solutions come in a form you had not even anticipated! You will also experience and have a greater embodiment of your ascension vibrations of love, peace, an openness to greater unlimitedlesness, ease, flow and grace.  

Ishtara Channeled Teaching #1: Alignment with Greater Personal Success 

You can embody the energy of success as a vibrational resonance, like an energetic cloud and energetic pattern that you exist within that then makes its way into everything that you do think or act.

Ishtara Channeled Teaching #2: Embodiment: Your Key to Being More Effective in Your Life

So this energy that is one of the essential ones for living a successful life is that of your embodiment.
Your body is a gift. Be with it, optimize your life experience. And notice how you feel as you allow these energies to come in.

Ishtara Channeled Teaching #3: Bringing more Money into your life 

Manifestation of Money! Let's begin to understand the energy of money a little differently, so that you can begin to shift your relationship to it.  Ishtara teaches you one of the easy ways to do this.

Ishtara Teaching #4: Worthiness as a Key to Living the Life of Your Dreams

Worthiness is very, very important for you to manifest the life that you desire. For the truth is that if you don't feel worthy of something, whether it's a conscious sense of unworthiness or a subconscious one, you won't manifest it. Ishtara teaches you some important steps that you can do to begin to change the energy of worthiness.

Ishtara Teaching #5: Successful Manifesting 

The reality is, is that inherently you are a creative manifestor. There are so many people who spent a great deal of time and energy, emotional energy, in working to manifest and feeling thwarted. Ishtara helps you to open up to the field of Infinite Possibilities.

BONUS - Group Universal Sphere session recording, so you can start bringing in Solution Energy immediately.

You can apply what we explain in our emails to assist you in manifesting Solutions in your life immediately.

We can't wait for you to join us in this journey

This really is a life changing modality. Watch and read what others have to say about how this has brought more ease into their lives.

Soul Genesis Inc. Grass Valley CA, USA.